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  • Writer's pictureEmma

Emma in Rome

We've all seen the critically-acclaimed Netflix drama 'Emily in Paris' by now. Well who would have thought it would convince a twenty-something year old to uproot her life and move to Europe on a whim (I hope you can hear the sarcasm). But despite 'Emily in Paris' being an entirely fictional and totally exaggerated story which could never happen in real-life, I've still come to the conclusion that life gets better when you take yourself and your job in Social Media Marketing to the continent. Yes, you read that right, I have the same job as Emily, and no, it is nothing like the TV show. In fact, Emily and I might have more in common than you might think- armed with an over-enthusiastic attitude and rose-tinted glasses, we've both realised that life is better enjoyed in the moment.

But why have you ended up in Rome, I hear you ask? Well despite trying to 'sieze the day', 2020 has brought the cool reality that life doesn't go to plan. So while Paris is stuck under an 8pm curfew with closed public spaces, I have decided to set up shop in Italy.

But couldn't Italy also go into a lockdown, I hear you cry? You're right it could, but so could any other country- except maybe New Zealand (fancy letting me visit, Jacinda?!). It came to a point where I decided: if I have to work remotely, with the possibility of going into a lockdown, I may as well do it somewhere with a view.

And so off I go, just after Christmas I will board a plane to Italy with no grasp of the language and Google translate in my pocket. Until next time, ciao!

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